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What is the Reframing Aging Project?

We are hearing a lot of new phrases in regard to aging today. One of them is “Reframing Aging”. So what is reframing aging? In part it is a push back to ageism. Visit the FrameWorks Institute website to learn more about “reframing” and...

Defining Dementia in Colorado & the World

We have had the pleasure to meet Kelley Horton, of Dementia Connections Coalition. We actually became acquainted through Colorado Senior Lobby. Starting in late 2017 and continuing into the 2018 Colorado Legislative Session we watched and listened as Kelley talked...

Advance Directives Portfolio

One cannot work in the senior industry and not have a discussion on advance directives. Along that subject, we have recently met Fran Myers and The Center for Advance Care Planning. We came away very impressed with her knowledge and approach to advance directives....

What a needed service

I want to introduce you to Sali and Have Salon Will Travel.  Sali provides much needed services to those who are older and home-bound due to age, or those facing an illness or accident who are having a difficult getting out and about to get a hair cut, manicure or...