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Explore our network and resources for organizations that serve seniors.

If you are a business or non-profit serving seniors, review our network of websites, event calendars and resource listings and contact us about our Internet listing programs.

  • We want you on our website if you are hosting events and participating in events.
  • We believe that educating older adults and their families about services is one of the most important marketing channels that a company can participate in.
  • It is as simple as this, if you are not listed in our network, then you won’t be found in our network.

Read our post on why you should advertise with SeniorsResourceGuide.com – CLICK HERE

Contact Us – CLICK HERE


SeniorsResourceGuide.com has 28 local regional Internet directories and a national directory. Each directory has its own database relevant to the needs of older adults. There are 54 topics in our individual databases that are grouped in five categories: Senior Housing, Health at Home, Health Services, Professional Services and Community Resources. Each local directory also has its own local resources such as local Senior News & Events, local city links and an About Region web page. Promotional channels include:

Website: SeniorsResourceGuide.com

Seniors eGuide

This website lists the Seniors eGuide “Questions to Ask” publications. These eGuides provide educational information that seniors and their families can be print out and use to learn about senior services and resources. Some of the topics include “Questions to Ask” when Where to Turn Resources, Selecting Active Independent Living & Retirement Communities, Care Options for Developmentally Disabled Seniors and Resources for Low to Moderate Income Independent Seniors.

  • You are welcome to refer to the Seniors eGuides in blog posts but please credit the source

The Seniors eGuide is also available as a customized booklet that you can feature your organization with the content of your choosing. The booklet is then printed and makes a great handout for workshops and consultations with seniors and their families. The booklet and accompanying bookmarks also make great street marketing tools for your distribution network.

Website: SeniorsEGuide.com

Explore our Network

Our network provides online marketing services for organizations that serve seniors.