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Because it is all about you!

Here is some information about SeniorsResourceGuide.com

Seniors Resource Guide.com has 28 local regional Internet directories and a national directory. Each directory has its own database relevant to the needs of older adults. There are 54 topics in our individual databases that are grouped in five categories: Senior Housing, Health at Home, Health Services, Professional Services and Community Resources. Each local directory also has its own Home page and local resources such as Senior News, Region Info and a local database. We have 3 promotional channels which are:

  • The Program with most impact … BUSINESS PROFILE
    This program puts your logo or a photo of your property on the local home page. Your logo or photo links to an overview web page that is all about your organization. The program also includes listings in the local searchable.
    Link to the Denver Directory – CLICK HERE
  • For the individual providing senior services … SENIOR ADVISOR Listing
    This program promotes individuals serving seniors through elder law, long term care insurance, reverse mortgages, pre-planning and other professional services. The Senior Advisor program is linked to from local home pages and allows topic and geographic exclusives.
    Link to the Denver Directory – CLICK HERE
  • Database Listings
    Your organization can have 1 or more listings in a LOCAL searchable database. Listings include company name, phone, 50-word description, website link and an image (either a logo or location photo).

And about pricing, our agreements are annual. Also, advertisers can pay annually and get a discount; or pay monthly through a credit card subscription.

View our media kit and learn more – CLICK HERE

Ask about topic and geographic exclusives.