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Many of you who have installed Google Analytics on your websites may have gotten an email from Google with the Subject:

Subject: [Action Required] Important updates on Google Analytics Data Retention and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

This subject line and the email certainly looks official. We have done some research and here is what we have learned …

This email from Google outlines product changes required to remain in compliance with regulations imposed by the European Economic Area (EEA) that will take effect May 25, 2018. It applies to all Google products, but our concern here is for the two products we deal with: Google Analytics and Google AdWords.

These changes basically require websites to give their users notification and control over their personal data. Any interaction with entities within the EEA is covered by these regulations. Since websites have worldwide accessibility, simply filling out online website and subscription forms that do not include unmarked check boxes allowing users to give consent for future communications could be at risk. We will be adding such boxes to our online forms before May 25, 2018.

“Even if not conducting business within this zone you need to consider where this is coming from: Google. We anticipate that future noncompliance with these regulations will negatively affect SEO performance whether or not any business is conducted in the EEA. For any corporate concerns regarding these types of issues it would be best to review the regulation.”

A link to the regulation is:

As far as our clients are concerned, the implications to Google’s Google Analytics and Google AdWords clients include changes to controls over ads and personal data retentions. All personal data will be retained under conditions specified in the product configuration controls. Review these setting and adjust accordingly.

A clear overview statement about this policy for EEA users can be found online at:

An Update on April 17th …

Elegant Themes posted a very complete post about General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance.

How to Make Your Websites GDPR Compliant – CLICK HERE
Posted on April 17, 2018 by B.J. Keeton in Tips & Tricks

By the way, Elegant Themes is one of our favorite WordPress theme sources.
Website: elegantthemes.com